Eckhart Tolle, in his book titled “A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose”, has done mankind a great favor.
He describes, very simply, some of the most profound universal truths. This book is a must read and then you can decide for yourself if you are in harmony with what the author is trying to explain or not.
One of the chapters in this book is dedicated to describing what the author refers to as the “pain-body”.
This is a simple yet profound concept and will not be described in detail here. The purpose is to bring this to your attention, yes, YOU, the visitor of this website! Then you can decide whether or not to follow up on this.
The pain-body is, basically, the root cause of all conflict; personal, family, corporate, national, international.
It is something that you will need to become aware of and understand yourselves and Oprah dedicated time to share this with the world as well.
Audio of this full discussion in below link
If any part of this resonates with you or strikes some chord, take that as a sign that you are meant to follow up on this and learn more about what Eckhart Tolle is trying to share with us all.
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