The 7777 Goal Setting Method
It is so important to write down your goals as a first step towards realizing them. Sharing with you a simple and effective method of goal setting you can use to achieve your goals and live up to your highest […]
It is so important to write down your goals as a first step towards realizing them. Sharing with you a simple and effective method of goal setting you can use to achieve your goals and live up to your highest […]
Empathy is such an important quality that we all need to learn to develop. No one masters it accidentally! This poem gives us one persons view on Empathy and it is beautifully written. Empathy Impact unbe-knownst Receiver pulsates A pulse […]
Do you feel safe? Do you feel safe at work? Do you feel safe at home? Do you feel safe in your relationship? Do you feel safe in your marriage? We are part animal and part spirit, for each part […]
How often do you feel guilty in a day? a week? a month? an year? Do you do favors for friends and family out of guilt? Have you stayed in relationships out of guilt? This is a very powerful emotion […]
This special guest post explores what the current state of Generative AI can tell us about finding a suitable life partner. Taking a pragmatic approach may in fact be the path forward for a healthy, long lasting relationship! A Big […]
It can be so frustrating when you are misunderstood. Have you had moments where you call out somebody for not being truthful and they get emotional and turn it on you? Then it leaves you wondering what you did wrong, […]
It is essential to pause and count your blessings and be thankful for what is in your life. How often are you taking stock and spending a moment to appreciate the simple things you maybe taking for granted? Developing a […]
Excerpt from Og Mandino’s book “The Greatest Salesman in the World”. This gem of a book has 10 scrolls which the author advises you to read daily. You have to pick up a copy and dive in to this one […]
Habits are what we repeatedly do. “We make a habit and the habit makes us” – Lorna Mendis Above quote is attributed to a female class teacher who taught 8-10 year old students. In order to have a successful life, […]
First ever podcast recommendation on this platform! (by the way, this is not a sponsored post). Brian Buffini, founder of Buffini & Company, along with his talented team, shares GEMS of wisdom in this pod cast. Available via Google Podcasts, […]