It is so important to write down your goals as a first step towards realizing them.
Sharing with you a simple and effective method of goal setting you can use to achieve your goals and live up to your highest potential during your time on earth.
This is especially relevant as a New Year is approaching and gives you a good opportunity to start the process (since many people like to start the new year with goals).
But this process is meant to be started whenever you want! Whether it is January or the middle of November.
The 7777 method is easy to remember and easy to implement!
Wait for some time where you have a window of time to sit and relax. Write down on 4 separate small pieces of paper.
7 Years
– Note down the current Month/Year and the Month/Year 7 years from now on top of the page.
– Write down where you want to be and what you want to achieve in 7 years. Visualize yourself 7 years from now and how you want your life to be.
7 Months
– Note down the current Month/Year and Month/Year 7 months from now on top of the page.
– Write down what you would like to achieve over the next 7 months.
7 Weeks
– Note down the current Date/Month/Year and the Date/Month/Year 7 weeks from now on top of the page.
– Write down what you would like to achieve over the next 7 weeks.
7 days
– Note down the current Date/Month/Year and the Date/Month/Year 7 days from now on top of the page.
– Write down on each Sunday – your goals for the next 7 days. Pick any other day to start if you want!
– Write down any big or small task you would like to accomplish for the next week.
Each week, check off the items on the 7 day checklist, save it or throw it away. There is some benefit to saving it as you can see your progress but it is not ESSENTIAL =)
Update the 7 Week, 7 Month and 7 Year goals as you see fit! We change each day and sometimes goals need to be redefined, so do not feel bad about updating your goals! In fact it is a GOOD thing to realize what you want and change your goals with time.
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